Tuesday 10 September 2013

Services and Services Marketing

A Service can be defined as an activity or an advantage which can be given by a party to another party which is mostly tangible and cannot affect ownership and its production or is not related to any tangible product. A service may normally but not necessarily take place in interactions between the customer and service employee.

 There are four unique characteristics that define the nature of a service and are mentioned as follows:

1. Service Intangibility- Service Intangibility means that the service cannot be experienced before it is      bought and thus in order to make the service tangible sellers show evidence of its quality. In case of a  popular Italian eatery in Los Angeles, the owner has placed signed photographs of celebrities who frequently visit the restaurant. In that way, the perception of good taste and high standards is projected. Same is the case with Maggi. Amitabh Bachchan's association with Maggi speaks volumes about its high standards and good taste.

2.Service Inseparability- Service Inseparability means that the provider and the buyer are intricately linked and must be present in order for the service to be rendered. In the case of a soda pop machine, the user interface, mechanical moving parts and soda transfer-all are connected in order to deliver the product to the customer after they drop the change into the slot. Without the machine, the soda cannot be obtained.

3.Service Variability- Service Variability is determined by the particular entity or circumstances surrounding the service. We can take the example of a shoe shiner posted next to the restroom facilities of a casino at a hotel resort in Las Vegas. The shiner may be an old gentleman with a geat deal of personal experience who is able to both shine the shoes and tell a great story at the same time. Thus, the value of being entertained is added to the value of the shoeshiner.

4. Service Perishability- Service Perishability describes the characteristic that services must be rendered on the spot and cannot be stocked for a later time. For example, if one were to call a taxi to arrive and take one to the airport, one is by necessity obligated to be present to get inside the cab and ride to the airport.

                                                      Types Of Services

1. Core Services- A service that is the primary purpose of the transaction. For example, services offered by a barber.

2. Augmented Services- Services that are rendered as a collolary to the sale of a tangible product. For example, product warranty offered to a customer.

                                                   Maggi's Service Quality Model


                         SERVICES MARKETING

Services Marketing can be defined as a form of marketing that focuses on selling products. Services marketing is the endorsement of economic activities offered by a company to its consumers, it is considered to be a special subset of marketing because it focuses on how rendering services can affect both the customer attitude and the marketing strategy. Services Marketing includes public relations, developing quality of service, advancing customer loyalty, handling relationships and complaint management.

In case of Maggi 2- Minute Noodles the association of the customer will be with the customer care number provided on the packet in case the customers have any grievance or feedback. The official company website too gives information about the product.

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