Saturday 7 September 2013

Product Mix

Product Mix refers to the total number of product lines that a company offers to its customers. Sometimes referred to as product assortment, a true product mix has to do with the number and type of products offered in each line and the relevance of those products to the consumers who are presented with the opportunity to buy the products. Retailers are often very concerned with the range of products they offer,since stocking the right product mix helps to ensure that the target consumers will be reached and sales will be generated.

The four dimensions to a company's product mix include width, length, depth and consistency :

1. Product Width- The width of a company's product mix pertains to the number of product lines that a           company sells. Small and upstart businesses usually do not have a wide product mix whereas Maggi being     an established brand for quite some time now has a wide product mix.                 

2. Product Length- Product mix length pertains to the number of total products or items in a company's           product mix. For example, XYZ company may have 2 product lines and 5 brands within each product           line. Thus, XYZ's product mix length would be 10. Maggi's product mix length consists of a large number     of variants.

3.Product Depth- Depth of a product mix pertains to the number of variations of each product. Variations     can include size, flavor and any other distinguishing characteristic. For example, if a company sells 3 sizes       and 2 flavors of toothpastes, that particular brand of toothpaste has a depth of 6.

4. Product Consistency- Product mix consistency pertains to how closely related product lines are to one      another in terms of use,production and distribution. A company's product mix may be consistent in                distribution but vastly different in use.

                                                    Maggi's Product Mix

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