Friday 16 August 2013


      Marketing is defined as the management process that identifies the needs and wants of the consumers and aims at satisfying those needs and wants by delivering the required products and services. Marketing directs the flow of goods and services from the producer to the consumer and thereby acts as a bridge.
     Maggi’s marketing strategy is to be considered as the best snacking option in India by putting together the values of convenience,taste and health. Initially Maggi had to face stiff competition from the ready-to-eat snack segments like biscuits,wafers,etc.when it was launched in India. Homemade snacks was Maggi’s major competition. Therefore to capture the market it positioned itself as a hygienic homemade snack,but this move did not work well as it was aimed at the wrong target group,the women. After an extensive research, the firm found that children were the biggest consumers of Maggi noodles.Soon a strategy was developed to capture the kids segment with various sales promotion tools. Moreover, Nestle could have easily positioned Maggi as a meal,but it did not, as a study had shown that Indian mentality did not accept anything other than rice or roti as meal. Nestle made an easy to cook snack that could be prepared in two minutes and the tagline “Fast to cook, Good to eat” was also in keeping with the position.
      Nestle’s main marketing objective was to promote Maggi as a healthy,ready to eat and convenient food. It took several years and lots of money to establish Maggi as a brand in India.In the recent past Nestle has promoted Maggi by sponsoring many kids events. On several occasions Nestle has done aggressive marketing by providing free samples of Maggi.

Maggi’s Penetration Strategies

  • Promotional campaigns in schools
  • Advertising strategies
  • Conducting regular research
  • Availability in different packages (50 gm, 100 gm, 200 gm, family pack)

Maggi’s Marketing Mix

Easy and quick to make, tasty and healthy
Packaging says ‘2 minutes’
Quick snack
Value for money
Good quantity for less price
Nestle’s brand value
“Me and Meri Maggi” contest and stories
Free distribution in schools
Good distribution channel
Distribution of free maggi at various events and places
Available in almost all retail shops and malls

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